A Study Area for Hank's Bedroom
Ever since Hank launched his very own YouTube channel earlier this year, he's been asking for a study desk for his room for sorting his football cards. I've been dragging my feet because a) third graders don't need a desk to do any studying and b) his room had such a nice layout for the amount of large furniture he has. Which he cares zero about.

So when "large trash week" was scheduled for our town's big spring cleanup - I told him if we saw a small desk sitting FREE on someone's curb that might work, I'd help him bring it home. If you don't have a trash week - basically it's when the city will come pick up oversized items you need to get rid of mostly for free on your trash day, which also means many of us enjoy "curbside shopping." So yes, this is a blog post with no quality sources, but simply to inspire you to think outside the curb. I mean box...
One man's trash is often another's treasure so I told our family to keep an eye out in their communities and let us know if they saw anything. No more than an hour later my dad called with the notice that his neighbors had just put a desk and chair out on the curb. Hank and I dropped everything and drove over. It was a great quality barely used desk and chair - from World Market! But it seemed like it might be too big. We took it home anyway to give it a try. That's the beauty of trash week - you just put it back out on your curb. To our surprise, when we got home, our neighbors had also set out a smaller corner desk so we grabbed that too! One had to work!

The desk from World Market was too big, but the little corner desk was perfect. Paired with a rolling desk chair we had collecting dust in the basement, Hank set up his own little study area. We had to lose the night stand from the side of the bed, but his desk can serve the job.

While I am the only one bothered by the "flow" of his room now, and the fact that his decor is not centered over the furniture like it should be (he didn't want me to move anything!), I think what I'm most bothered by is how big it makes HIM look.

And that he was willing to sacrifice a big pile of stuffed animals from his room to make space for a desk. At least he still hasn't taken down ALL the cute little baby things... for now.

Ugh. He's getting older and I just don't like it! But thanks to a free desk found on the curb, he's a happy guy. Just check out his first YouTube video opening up a pack of cards right from here.

Need a study area fix? Ours were found or previously owned, but here are similar items for your shopping conveniece!
L-Shaped Corner Desk affiliate
Grey and White Office Chair affiliate
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