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Decorating Ideas to Transition Your Porch and Home to Fall

Writer: KierstenKiersten

The temps are getting cooler which makes my soul so happy! But as much as I love fall, I also like to make a slow transition with my porch and decor. There's so much to love about all things pumpkin (yes, not just the #PSL), but for me, the calendar needs to say October before I go all-in on the orange gourd. But with the turn of the weather, I'm ready to ditch the remaining summer blooms and find a few ways to transition in my fall decorations

Fall Porch Decor

There's nothing that screams fall more to me than a porch full of mums. I love browsing the garden centers for a new batch of mums each year. I'm always very drawn to the yellows and oranges, but there are so many colors to choose from. The fun, but tricky, part is trying to buy them early when the buds are tight and everything's green to carry you through Halloween. It's almost like popcorn when they start blooming. You get one, then a couple more, then a few more, then all of a sudden, they're fully bloomed!

fall front porch with mums and wreath

I decided to take full advantage of the width of our porch this year and bought a variety of sizes. The big ones are orange and the small ones in the front are white. We had the little yellow ones tucked in the back of another container earlier, so they're getting a little extra life right now as we await the new blooms. Earl May has a lot of nice tips on how to choose and care for your mums, so check their blog out here.

fall front porch with mums and wreath

I've missed having a wreath on the door since we moved in and finally did something about it. I used to have a suction cup hanger on a storm door at the old place and finally found a wreath hanger I liked that was simple, black and modern. I stumbled on this wreath at World Market which was the perfect transitional wreath for fall. Still plenty of green, but when we go all in on fall and halloween decor, I think it'll work for all of it... we'll see.

front door fall wreath

Inside Fall Transitional Decor

Fall Entryway Decor

Similar to the porch, I like to baby step my way into fall decor inside too. The only time I really do a complete decor swap all year is at Christmas. The rest of the year, I try to find just a few pieces that can feel a little more seasonal and keep things feeling neutral. One of those places is my entryway (we shared our entryway furniture and set-up originally on the blog here!)

entryway console table with fall accents

We're talking super subtle, but just enough to start to feel like fall. I swapped my vase of faux flowers with a vase of dried fall branches. This mix is a combination of branches I had with a few new leafy pieces. Loved the little wheat stems in this mix I found at World Market.

fall branches entryway decor

And I know I said I don't bring out all the pumpkins until October, but these little fabric pumpkins are just the cutest and they don't scream fall the same way the bright orange ones do. Tucked in amongst my existing decor, I think they help satisfy the transition of the seasons just perfectly.

fall entryway decor

I try to add decor that can last from the early fall through Thanksgiving for the most part, adding in some Halloween items just for a little bit.

fall entryway decor

Main Level Bath Fall Decor

Beyond the entryway, I only really add a couple other little touches of fall to the house at this point. In the main level bath, the little tray I use to corral soaps, sprays and candles always holds a little vase. I simply added a couple of the fall branch pieces to the existing vase of faux greens. Then, I found a cute little fall sign and thought this would make perfect landing spot for it.

fall transitional decor bathroom

Kitchen Fall Decor

Then in the kitchen ... at the coffee bar, a few fall twigs and a cozy rust-colored candle are enough to satisfy the turn of the season for me. Plus, since I'm a flavored coffee fan, you know I'm starting to buy all the fall flavors! Bonus points that their K-cup pod lid colors usually change with the season too! My Keurig bit the dust earlier this year after 10 years - not only was a pumped to get a GOLD new one, but the coffee technology sure has improved!

fall decor kitchen

Some new flavored soaps at the kitchen sink are a must too! I like my soap like my coffee flavors - some flavors and scents only seem appropriate during this time of year!

This mid-season time period is just my favorite. Cool nights, warm days, greens turning to yellows and browns. But pumpkins are coming! And of course I love that too. Zach's not been big on Halloween but I'm considering going BIG this year now that we're settled. Stay tuned!


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we're kiersten and zach

We're Zach and Kiersten. Thanks for following along as we worked to make the very 2000s home we bought in 2020 more “us.” For three years we've shared everything from quick fixes to more permanent changes, along with projects you can do in your own home. Zach shared all his lawn and garden advice as he started over on the new yard, too. 

We've officially stopped blogging, which you can read all about in our last post. 


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