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How to get a better yard step 4: apply Summer Lawn Food - plus a few July lawn tips

Writer: ZachZach

If you're following the Earl May 6-step lawn program with me, now is the time to apply the next step in your lawn program - Summer Lawn Food. This week is forecasted to have cooler temperatures and the possibility of rain so it's the perfect time to get it on your grass. If you have been watering and kept your yard alive so far this summer, this will really give your grass that deep green color.

Summer lawn food lawn fertilizer
Step 4: Summer Lawn Food

Why use this fertilizer? First off, it's specifically made for Iowa soil conditions. It contains iron and sulfur to give your grass that dark green uniform color. Iron is what golf courses use before airing tournaments on television to give that extra green look. The potassium helps make the lawn resistance to disease and drought stress. Basically, it helps thicken your yard, which is the key to keeping weeds out.

After you mow, apply this fertilizer by matching up the setting on your spreader - mine called for setting 5. Walk the boarder first and work your way to the middle. To equally spread mine out I try to make a checkerboard.

Summer lawn food lawn fertilizer
Set the Spreader According to Directions on the Bag

Once finished be sure to blow off any fertilizer that made it on the concrete. Iron will stain your driveway. Lastly, if rain isn't in the forecast in the next day or so, water your lawn in deep.. You will see results with this grass within a week.

Summer lawn food lawn fertilizer
Ready to Go

Here are a few other lawn tips for July:

  • Keep your mower blades sharp. If your grass starts looking like split ends of hair, then you will know the blades are not sharp and the grass won't grow right.

  • Water deep. Make sure it gets to the roots of the grass. The amount of time needed to water deep will depend on the state of your lawn, but you want to try to get the top 6-8" of soil damp.

  • Take a few passes through your lawn with your 1-gallon tank sprayer and spray any weeds that come up. Check this blog post for tips and solutions for getting rid of weeds.

  • Keep your mower deck high. I have my deck at the highest setting. When it's hot, it's good not to cut your lawn too short because the taller blades provide extra shade to keep the weeds out.

Need a Lawn Fix? Here's what we used:

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we're kiersten and zach

We're Zach and Kiersten. Thanks for following along as we worked to make the very 2000s home we bought in 2020 more “us.” For three years we've shared everything from quick fixes to more permanent changes, along with projects you can do in your own home. Zach shared all his lawn and garden advice as he started over on the new yard, too. 

We've officially stopped blogging, which you can read all about in our last post. 


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