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New Vanity Light in the Main Floor Bath

Writer: KierstenKiersten

Remember our main floor bathroom update? Not long after we painted everything including the vanity in the main floor bathroom, I decided to swap the light fixture. I added the bell-shaped glass for a cheap and quick improvement over what was there before, but as I keep editing things in this house, I’m learning how much difference a light fixture can make to modernize and add style to a space for not a lot of money. Here’s where we left off:

main floor bathroom vanity
Main Floor Bath Round 1

The tricky part about changing light fixtures in a room without windows is the fact you’re relying on another light source to give you a working light. I hoped the daylight from the kitchen would work, but it wasn’t quite bright enough. I considered for a hot minute buying myself a standing work light, but I don’t think there’s quite enough future work in the dark to make that a worthy purchase. But it’d be a good idea if you are often finding yourself in similar jobs. Instead, I improvised. Enter flashlight and sports bra strap – it actually worked perfectly to give me task lighting as much as I looked ridiculous.

Kiersten with flashlight
Necessity is the Mother of Invention,... amiright?

Practically as good as one of those hard hats with a light attached... practically.

Kiersten installing light
I really need to get them to stop taking pictures from behind

Like a lot of projects in this house, when you start undoing what others have done, you never know what you’ll find. Underneath this light I found no proper electrical box, and a nice hack job in the drywall. Luckily I bought a new light that had a similar footprint so I’d be able to cover it all up without needing to repair the wall.

Fun times taking down other people's work

I found this unique fixture that has a nice mix of black, gold and bubbled glass – continuing hardware elements from the entryway and kitchen into here. It also helps tie in the gold cabinet pulls I added to the vanity itself last time around.

new vanity light fixture
Pretty Little Funky Light Fixture

A little more modern, lot more style. Since the enclosures are clear glass, I used clear globe LED lights in just 40 Watts each. It’s a small space, so the light is a little more toned down now than when we had 60 Watts each before. You could do a fancy Edison light or something with a little color like what shown in the product description online, but I didn’t want to draw attention to the bulb itself so that’s why I opted for clear.

new vanity light
Mixed Metals Carrying On

This room’s about “done!” Except for that stinkin black toilet... and maybe the remaining hardware, and the door... Ok, who am I kidding... #housedonemandead.

new bathroom vanity
This bathroom's lit! Literally...

Need a fix-up? Here’s what we used:

*DISCLAIMER: This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, we may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your support!



we're kiersten and zach

We're Zach and Kiersten. Thanks for following along as we worked to make the very 2000s home we bought in 2020 more “us.” For three years we've shared everything from quick fixes to more permanent changes, along with projects you can do in your own home. Zach shared all his lawn and garden advice as he started over on the new yard, too. 

We've officially stopped blogging, which you can read all about in our last post. 


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