Our Sports Themed Blue Boys Room
We told you this when we shared Abbey's pretty pink girls room but for those of you new here, we decided to haul tail right after we moved in to get both kids' bedrooms DONE before they returned from grandma's - including Hank's new sporty bedroom. We were grateful to have the help of our village of siblings, parents and aunts/uncles to help us clean and paint the kids rooms so we could quickly unpack and decorate. Hank asked for blue walls in his new room - actually I think he wanted black walls at one point, but I backed him into blue. I found this nice light grayish blue called Distant Star from Behr at Home Depot that I felt would work well behind his wood furniture and all his decor.

Hank's already been through two bedroom themes as he's growing his way through the little boy years. His nursery was blue and chartreuse with a variety of sporty boy decorations, but it was much more "mom's interpretation of boy."
Then when Abbey came along, he moved into a new room and got a super hero bedroom makeover. I personally loved this one because he was SO into superheroes at the time. It felt like a "big boy" room but looking back just four short years ago, he was such a peanut! Back then I splurged big for some great super hero Pottery Barn Kids sheets that I'm making him keep regardless of what else is going on in his room!
I digress. But thanks for hanging in there on that trip down memory lane. Time for the new stuff!
Like Abbey's room, I wanted to give him some fun new surprises. The biggest surprise (literally), and by far the coolest, are these massive baseball stitches on his ceiling. I found these on Etsy (where else?) and my sister helped me apply them. Now that was a job. I thought my arms would be jello for a week after working overhead like that trying to get the decal to apply. But luckily I was running on about 1,000% adrenaline after the move so I could keep working. Totally worth it!

I spent time before the move online shopping of course, looking for fun sporty decorations to surprise him with. Since we were moving and I didn't want MORE boxes sitting around, I started shipping things to my parent's house - I'm sure their delivery drivers thought they'd gone off the deep end. His cousin got this basketball hoop laundry chute that he asked about daily since he saw it, so I knew that had to make it on the list. Enter Hobby Lobby, which is where I found nearly everything on his walls. That place seriously is amazing. But honestly, what would be really amazing is if his clothes actually made it to the hoop and into the basket...

We tried to give a nod to all of his favorite sports in here. Hoping that allows him to grow into this a while. The saddest part of the new room is that his "baby stuff" now just gets one tiny little wall shelf in the corner. Hate how fast he's growing! Also, how about this fan? Pretty funky with it's spotlights and little fan blades. It can stay... for now.

Hank's got the only real wood furniture in the house and I can't bring myself to paint it because it was a set my parents bought back in the early 90s and was one of their "first quality sets of furniture" per my mom. I eventually inherited it when growing up, and we had it in our master before moving it into Hank's superhero room when we upgraded to a king bed.

Zach is a little (a lot) into sports collectibles and antiques (see his storeroom workshop for proof), so when he heard that one of our favorite daycare teachers was cousins with an NBA player from Iowa, Kyle Korver, he of course asked for an autograph the next time she was going to see him. She's really an angel on Earth and has shown up in places more times than we can count when the kids needed some security, and she went above and beyond and got this framed for Hank. It hung in the man cave in our basement before, but was the perfect addition to Hank's sports room. Such a special thing she did for him. Also, what sports room would be complete without a basketball hoop trash can?

We also finally got Hank's personalized Louisville Slugger up on the wall where it belongs - which was a gift after he was born from one of my great coworkers!

I call this room a slam dunk! (See what I did there?) We've got our girly glam room just down the hall from our sporty boy room - connected by their Jack-and-Jill bathroom. We'll share that with you soon!

Need a Fix-up? Here’s what we used:
Shur-Line Paint Edger Pro and 2 Pads - my favorite secret weapon for painting along ceilings and around trim (affiliate)
Purdy 14” Mini Roller System - I only paint with these mini rollers. They’re lighter and easier on your arms. Pair with some extra back-up rollers (affiliate)
Shop-able Furniture and Decor:
Basketball Pillow (affiliate)
Baseball Stitches Wall Decal on Etsy
Baseball, Basketball and Football Metal Wall art from Hobby Lobby
Be Humble Baseball Wall Art from Hobby Lobby
Basketball Hoop from Hobby Lobby
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