Our Star Spangled Fourth of July Outdoor Decor
Happy (almost) Fourth of July! One of my absolute favorite holidays and times of year, I live for the fireworks, the pool time, the parades and the family time. Growing up we didn't live by family so we spent most Fourth's at the pool and blowing up my parent's backyard. It was tradition that we'd drive to the neighboring state where fireworks were legal and load up on the good stuff. We lived in a neighborhood with lots of space and backed up to a wooded golf course, so we posed little threat to our neighborhood outside being obnoxious. Now in adulthood, we don't have the same focus on blowing up the neighborhood but we're looking forward to hosting our very first July 4 pool party where we're planning to recreate all the fourth fun we had growing up.
To get everyone in the mood, we've star spangled our front and back with a variety of patriotic decor. I bought a lot of this last year after the fourth on major clearance, but to inspire those of you still prepping your your parties or looking to do what I did, we're sharing how we've decked the outdoors.
Front Porch July 4 Decor
We went light on our summer porch plants this year. It was a busy spring and start of summer, and I was traveling most of June for work so we planted a couple of ferns and called it good. The ferns just love our porch. It's the right amount of morning sun and then pretty shady the rest of the day so they just thrive.

To Star Spangle the porch, we tucked larger 8"x12: American flags in the plants, smaller 5"x8" flags in the lanterns and nailed in 1.5'x3' American Flag bunting up above the doorway.

I tucked more 5"x8" flags into the ground in our front landscape bed for extra curb patriotism. I'm definitely turning into "that neighbor."

With the front fully spangled, I moved on to the backyard.

Back Deck July 4 Decor
I've always dreamed of having a big wraparound porch that I can hang bunting on. I love that old school Americana vibe for the fourth. The deck out back is as close as we've got.

I used the same bunting on the back as I did on the front. They came in 6-packs. A little wrinkly right out of the package, but a few days of rain, humidity and sun will steam these right up.

I used zip ties to connect the bunting to each other.

And then nailed them into the railing at their connecting point grommets.

I found a new home for a fabric flag banner.

And finished the space off by tucking little mini 3"x5" flags into the landscape beds.

We're ready for Fourth fun and festivities!

A Final Salute
We hope you have a fun-filled fourth! And amongst it all, we hope you take a minute to slow down to remember and reflect that freedom isn't free. We salute those who have served this country and are forever grateful for the sacrifices they and their families made for us all. We pray that as a country we can strive for more unity. Because that which unites us is greater than that which divides us. We're better together. Find someone you disagree with and get to know them better. Do something nice for someone else. And thank a veteran. UNITED we stand. U! S! A!

Need a FOURTH fix? Here's what we used:
6-Pack American Half Flag Bunting affiliate
12-pack 8"x12" Flags on Sticks affiliate
12-pack 5"x8" Flags on Sticks affiliate
12-pack 4"x6" Flags on Sticks affiliate
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