Quick Fix: A Simple Solution for Curling Rug Corners
We've been tripping over two curling rug corners for quite some time now so I finally decided to stop walking past my problems, or over in this case, and found a simple solution for a quick fix that seems to be working great after a couple weeks so I thought I'd share with you all.

Both the rugs under our bed and Abbey's bed had one curling corner where it gets the most traffic. I've tried rolling and holding it the other way, but we must have some feet scuffers in this house because the rugs keep curling. Abbeys' room was most problematic because her closet door opens right up to it.

I found this funny little product with the just the goofiest packaging - NeverCurl - and thought I'd give it a try. For $10 for a set of 4 corners, I figured it was worth the risk.

They're corner shaped hard plastic pieces with adhesive on one side and a foam backing on the other. Simply roll the corner of the rug the other way, stick on the corner and rub it down.

Presto! Just like that, the rug corner stayed down.

We've been walking over these for about three weeks now with no issues. Will keep you posted if they start to give, but for now I'm pretty happy to find this little trick!

Need a rug fix? Here's what we used:
NeverCurl V Shape Rug Corner Gripper affiliate
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